Intervention Orders & Family Violence

Intervention Orders & Family Violence

We take family violence seriously, whether you are seeking protection from family violence or responding to allegations about family violence.
If a child hears, sees, or is around family violence in any way, they are also covered by law.
A personal safety intervention order is an order made by a Magistrate to protect a person from physical or mental harm by someone who is not a family member.

We can assist with a range of intervention order matters, including:

  • Intervention Order Applications, Apprehended Violence Order Applications or Responses 
  • Breach of Intervention Order or Apprehended Violence Order offences.

If you are living with domestic or family violence, you must seek protection immediately. This is particularly important to ensure your safety and the safety of any other family members who are being affected by family violence.

Patford-Smith Legal Services’ experienced lawyers can help you obtain a family violence Intervention Order or apprehended violence order with police assistance or at a local Magistrates’ Court.

Common Reasons to Come to Our Team for a Family Violence Lawyer 

It’s not easy to seek help against a family member, especially if the abuse has gone on for a long time. Knowing when to turn to a family violence lawyer is the first important part of breaking the cycle. Consider the following signs that you should seek our assistance in Melbourne or Sydney:

  • You are experiencing physical violence in the home. Physical violence is never acceptable, and when it happens within the home once, the odds of it happening again are relatively high. Seeking professional assistance when you become the target of physical violence or sexual abuse in the home is the best way to protect yourself and any other family members who might well become targets in the future.
  • You are experiencing emotional abuse in the home. Emotional abuse is often much more challenging to identify, especially if you tend to reconcile the situation after the fact. However, it is essential to note that simple reconciliation is not a sign or a promise that it won’t happen again. If you feel you are the target of emotional abuse, let us help you take the first steps to getting away from it.
  • You are experiencing financial abuse in the home. If your partner has control over your finances and limits your access to them, you might well be a victim of financial abuse. The goal of financial abuse is to prevent you from supporting yourself, making it much harder for you to leave the abuser. We can provide support and advice regarding your next step to escape financial abuse.
  • You are experiencing coercive control behaviour in the home. If your partner consistently tries to control where you go, who you see, and who you talk to, you need to take the necessary steps to protect yourself sooner rather than later. 

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